
Ukraine has Italy's total support - Meloni

Premier met Zelensky at G7

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 20 - Premier Giorgia Meloni told a news conference on Saturday that "Ukraine knows it can count on Italy's all-round support" after meeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Japan.
    She added that a decision had not been made on whether Italy would help to train Ukrainian pilots in using F16 jets.
    The leaders also met last weekend during a visit to Rome by Zelensky during which he had talks with Italian President Sergio Mattarella and Pope Francis too.
    "It is important to continue dialogue between Ukraine and Italy on bilateral relations," Zelensky said in a Telegram post featuring a video of the meeting with Meloni.
    "The parties discussed Italy's political and defence support for Ukraine and the initial results of the May 13 visit to Italy.
    "We must improve our air-defence capacity, including via the training of our pilots".
    Italy is to train Ukrainian recruits in schools and military installations in Italy as well as taking part in EU-Ukraine training programmes in Brussels, Poland and Germany, Defence Minister Guido Crosetto said Thursday. (ANSA).

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