
Let's weed out chieftains and bosses says Schlein

We'll have to work hard on this says PD's new leader

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 12 - New centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD) leader Elly Schlwin vowed to get rid of the leaders of the internal factions whose bickering has hamstrung the PD in her maiden speech after being proclaimed the progressive party's first woman leader Sunday.
    "Let's weed out tribal chieftains and underbosses," she said.
    "We don't want to see any more irregularities on membership, we have evils to eradicate, we don't want to see any more ringleaders and various shysters.
    "We will have to work hard together on this, the credibility of the Democratic Party depends on it, on which I am not prepared to give an inch." At 37, Schlein is also the PD's youngest ever leader, moving past former leader and ex-premier Matteo Renzi who was 38 when he took over in 2013 and who is now head of a smaller centrist party, Italia Viva (IV), which has said it will find it hard to work with the leftwing Schlein. (ANSA).

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