
Benedict leaves spiritual and intellectual legacy - Meloni

Up to us to carry on his precious teachings says Italy PM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 5 - Late pope emeritus Benedict XVI leaves us a significant spiritual and intellectual legacy, Premier Giorgia Meloni said after attending the funeral of the ex-pontiff and esteemed theologian in St Peter's on Thursday.
    "Today at St Peter's, to give a final farewell to Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus. Enlightened theologian who leaves us a spiritual and intellectual legacy of faith, trust and hope," Italy's first woman premier tweeted.
    "It is up to us to preserve and honour it always and to carry on his precious teachings." Meloni was among the many heads of State and government who attended the funeral, which drew around 50,000 faithful to St Peter's Basilica.
    The ceremony ended amid loud cries for the meek intellectual and religious thinker to be made "a saint at once". (ANSA).

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