
Push on with tax reform, cut labour taxes says Meloni

NRRP baton change with Draghi worked says PM at year-end presser

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 29 - The government aims to push on with tax reform and cut labour taxes, Premier Giorgia Meloni said at her year-end press conference Thursday.
    She said the government would not raise taxes on homes.
    She also said the 'baton change' from Mario Draghi's previous government on the National recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) "has worked, and I'm happy about that".
    Italy has achieved all 55 'milestone' National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) targets scheduled for completion by the end of the year under the massive EU-funded post-COVID scheme, European Affairs, South and Cohesion Policy Minister Raffaele Fitto said Wednesday. (ANSA).

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