
Probe into graffiti threatening La Russa

Several messages targetting FdI figure have appeared in Rome

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 18 - Rome prosecutors have opened a probe into several threatening messages directed at new Senate Speaker Ignazio La Russa, a member of the right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, that have appeared in Rome over the last few days.
    A banner hung near the Colosseum welcomed La Russa to the position, writing his name upside down, a possible reference to how Benito Mussolini was hung upside down in Milan's Piazzale Loreto after being executed.
    Graffiti on the shutters of FdI's offices in the Garbatella district of the capital declared that the quarter was "disgusted" by La Russa and featured a five-pointed star similar to that of the Red Brigades terrorist group.
    Graffiti on the remains of Aqua Alexandrina aqueduct declared: "La Russa boia speriamo che tu muoia" (La Russa scum, we hope you die). (ANSA).

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