
Centre right set to win Genoa, Palermo, and L'Aquila

Parma, Verona and Catanzaro heading for run-offs

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 13 - The centre-right coalition looks set to win in Genoa, Palermo, and L'Aquila, three of the biggest cities involved in an important round of local elections on Sunday, according to early projections.
    Centre-right incumbent Marco Bucci was ahead in the race to become Genoa mayor with 54.4% of the vote, above the 50% needed for a straight first-round victory, followed by the centre -left's Ariel Dello Strologo with 38.7%, according to a second Opinio Italia projection for Rai State TV on almost 20% of the vote.
    The centre right's Roberto Lagalla is ahead in the race to become Palermo mayor with 45.7%, over 5% above the 40% needed, compared to 27.4% for the centre left's Franco Miceli, according to the second Opinio Italia projection.
    The centre right's Pierluigi Biondi was ahead in the race to become L'Aquila mayor and over the 50% threshold for a first-round victory at 51.8% compared to 23.8% for a civic list led by Americo Di Benedetto and 22.9% for the centre left's Stefania Pezzopane, according to the Opinio Italia projection.
    The race looked set to go to a run-off in the other three big cities, Parma, Verona and Catanzaro.
    Centre-left candidate Michela Guerra is ahead in the race to become Parma mayor with 46.6% of the vote compared to 21.8% for the centre right's Pietro Vignali according to the Opinio Italia projection.
    The centre left's Damiano Tommasi is ahead in the race to become Verona mayor with 39.3% of the vote compared to 29% for the centre right's Federico Sboarina , according to the Opinio Italia projection.
    The centre right's Valerio Donato is ahead in the race to become Catanzaro mayor with 44.7% of the vote compared to 31.2% for the centre left's Nicola Fiorita, according to the Opinio Italia projection. (ANSA).

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