
Ukraine: No bilateral Russia talks unless tension eases -Di Maio

More sanctions may be imposed on Moscow says foreign minister

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 23 - Italy will not hold any high-level bilateral meetings with Russia until there is a de-escalation of the Ukraine crisis, Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio told the Senate on Wednesday as he reported to parliament on the crisis.
    Rome and Moscow had been working to arrange a meeting between Italian Premier Mario Draghi and Russian President Vladimir Putin before the latter recognized two rebel-held 'republics' in the east of Ukraine this week and sent in troops.
    "This morning we organized the next steps with take with Premier Draghi to aid a diplomatic solution," Di Maio said.
    "We are engaged at the top multilateral channels of dialogue.
    "However, we believe that there can be no bilateral meetings with the Russian leadership until there are tension-easing signals, a stance that has been adopted over the last few hours by our allies and European partners.
    "We condemn the decision by Moscow to sent a contingent of troops with so-called peace-keeping functions to the territories of the two separatist republics," he added.
    "This is a gesture that risks exacerbating an already tense situation.
    "It is estimated that there are between 170,000 and 190,000 Russian soldiers along the border with Ukraine". (ANSA).

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