
Govt to pass decree after deal with unions on dismissals

Firms only allowed to fire after exhausting furlough funds

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 30 - Premier Mario Draghi's cabinet on Wednesday is set to approve a new decree regulating worker dismissals after reaching an agreement with trade unions and business associations on the system that will kick in when the COVID-19-linked ban on sackings ends on Thursday.
    Under the agreement, firms will only be able to fire workers once all available CIG furlough funds are exhausted.
    The government had initially seemed intend on extending the ban on dismissals, but only for some sectors considered vulnerable, such as textiles.
    The unions, on the other hand, had been pushing hard for across-the-board ban to be extended until October, warning there was the danger of a massive way of sackings. (ANSA).

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