
Simplification decree is mother of all reforms - Conte

Premier says legislation needed to modernize Italy

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 1 - Premier Giuseppe Conte said Wednesday that the government's "simplification" decree seeking to streamline bureaucracy is the "mother of all reforms".
    "The pandemic has caused an unprecedented recession," Conte told a Question Time session in the Lower House.
    "One of the instruments with which to boost growth is undoubtedly the simplification decree, which I consider indispensable in order to modernize Italy and get the whole country moving.
    "That's why we are talking in a constructive way in order to find a solution.
    "The measures that will be introduced with the simplification decree aim to speed up the procedures for public works and reinforce bulwarks of legality".
    He said one of the aims was to change things so that civil servants are no long "afraid to sign off" on procedures for public works. (ANSA).

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