
Senator's arrest sought in Calabria

Operation see 65 arrested

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Reggio Calabria, February 25 - DDA anti-mafia investigators in Reggio Calabria on Tuesday requested the authorization to arrest Senator Marco Siclari, a member of the conservative Forza Italia party, as part of an operation against the local 'Alvaro' 'Ndrangheta clan in Sinopoli.
    The operation has so far led to the arrest of 65 people, including the regional councilor and mayor of the Calabrian town of Sant'Eufemia d'Aspromonte, Domenico Creazzo, a member of the right-wing Fratelli d'Italia party.
    The clan is considered by investigators to be one of the most active and powerful of the Calabria-based criminal organization.

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