
Won't be easy to avert VAT hike - Conte

Salvini says value added tax won't increase, not even by a cent

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, May 15 - Premier Giuseppe Conte on Wednesday admitted that "it won't be an easy feat" for his government to stop value-added tax rising. Italy's VAT is set to increase at the start of next year when so-called budget 'safeguard clauses' will kick in unless alternative sources of financial coverage can be found. "We are working on a profound spending review and we are boosting our system to combat tax evasion," the premier told the Rete Imprese Italia business network.
    Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, meanwhile, told the same event that "I refuse to increase VAT, even by just one cent.
    "First it's necessary to reform the tax system," the League leader added.
    "It's necessary to be brave. I won't give up".

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