
M5S turns fire on Genoa-decree rebels

Senator Fattori complains of 'psychological terrorism'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, November 14 - Senior members of the 5-Star Movement (M5S) on Wednesday turned their fire on rebel lawmakers who contributed to the government losing a vote in parliament over its decree of measures for Genoa after the August bridge-collapse disaster.
    The government lost a vote over an amendment regarding what critics have said is an amnesty on illegal building work on the Bay of Naples island of Ischia.
    Senator Gregorio De Falco, a former Coast Guard commander who became a hero by ordering 'Captain Coward' Francesco Schettino to "get back on the ship, dammit" in the Costa Concordia disaster, voted against the government while another M5S lawmaker, Paola Nugnes, failed to take part in the vote. "De Falco said 'get back on the ship'. I say to him, 'if you're not happy, get back home'," said Regional Affairs Undersecretary Stefano Buffagni. "De Falco is a genius who feels more brilliant than the rest of the group".
    Interior Ministry Undersecretary Carlo Sibilia echoed those sentiments, saying "those who think of their own interests should go back home". De Falco and Nugnes were also among a group of M5S Senators who rebelled over the government's security-and-migration decree recently, along with Elena Fattori, Matteo Mantero and Virginia La Mura.
    The M5S has opened disciplinary proceedings against the rebels.
    "There is a climate of psychological terrorism," Fattori said on Facebook.

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