
Even more expansive budget was needed - Tria

We found balance between social, financial stability - minister

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, November 9 - Economy Minister Giovanni Tria on Friday reiterated that the government does not intend bow to European Commission demands to change its budget plan for 2019, adding that, ideally, the package would have been even more expansive than it already is. The Commission has said it will consider opening infringement proceedings if the budget, which sees Italy running a deficit of 2.4% of GDP next year, is not changed in a significant way.
    Tria told parliament on Friday, however, that the recent slowdown in economic activity vindicated the decision to use the budget to try to boost growth. "We realise that the problems that have been revealed would require a more incisive expansive budget," Tria said.
    "But it was necessary to find the right balance between financial and social stability, both of which are needed".

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