
No rethink on Conte, say Di Maio,Salvini (2)

Law professor under pressure over doubts about CV

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, May 22 - Law professor Gisueppe Conte remains the premier candidate of Italy's possible new government despite doubts about his CV, League leader Matteo Salvini and 5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Luigi Di Maio have said. "Conte is, and absolutely remains, the premier candidate of the 5-Star Movement and the League," Di Maio said Wednesday.
    Asked if there had been a rethink on Tuesday, Salvini said "No". He also reiterated that he would not accept Di Maio taking over as premier.
    Doubts have also reportedly been raised about whether veteran Euroskeptic economist Paolo Savona is suitable to be the economy minister of an eventual M5S-Legaue government.

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