
Salvini, Berlusconi, disagree on PD (3)

'No one will split us' says Martina

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 19 - Anti-migrant Euroskeptic League leader Matteo Salvini on Friday disagreed with his main ally, centre-right Forza Italia (FI) leader Silvio Berlusconi, on possibly forming a government alliance with the centre-left Democratic Party (PD).
    Ex-premier Berlusconi said that, unlike his centre-right alliance partners, he was not against forming a government with the PD. "I'm thinking of a centre-right government that looks towards the mixed group (in parliament) and some figures from the PD," Berlusconi said.
    "I think very differently to (Brothers of Italy leader) Giorgia Meloni and (League leader) Matteo Salvini on this point".
    Salvini said that if Berlusconi were to try to form a government with the PD he would have to do so without the League. "Berlusconi is wrong to say that the Italians vote badly and he's wrong again when he says that the PD has to be brought back into government," said Salvini.
    "He isn't respectful towards the Italians and he would do so (form a government with the PD) without the League", said the rightwing populist leader.
    Salvini added that he had not heard from Berlusconi and would not hear from him either because "insults are no use and don't build anything".
    PD caretaker leader Maurizio Martina said no one would ever split the PD amid the disagreement between Salvini and Berlusconi on whether the PD should be approached for a possible government alliance. Martina said the PD was sticking to its stance of staying in opposition after its general-election debacle.
    "I strongly uphold the clear position of the Democratic Party, and I say to those thinking of dividing us that this scenario will never exist," Martina said on Facebook.
    He said the PD would continue to follow President Sergio Mattarella's efforts to form a government, starting from the three proposals he made earlier this week, on poverty, families and work.
    Mattarella has decided to take two days to reflect after Senate Speaker Maria Elisabetta Casellati reported back to him on Friday following her exploratory mandate to seek to break Italy's post-election political deadlock. Casellati said she had detected "starting points on which Mattarella will decide" during talks with political parties. Her 'exploratory' mandate involved verifying the possibility of forming a government made up of the centre right, the coalition that came first in last month's inconclusive general election, and the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S), the biggest single party in the new parliament.
    On Thursday that M5S reiterated that it was against forming a government with the centre right as a whole and was only willing to hold talks with the League, not with its alliance partners, Forza Italia and the nationalist Brothers of Italy (FdI) But it also said it would not consider external support of a M5S-League government from FI and FdI to be "hostile".
    "Over the last few days I performed the mandate entrusted to me with dedication, trying to favour constructive dialogue between the political parties capable of producing a parliamentary majority with the perimeter indicated by Mattarella," Casellati said.
    Also on Friday, media magnate Berlusconi said the M5S would only have got jobs at his Mediaset empire "cleaning the toilets" and the M5S retorted that it was better to make an honest wage that way than by "doing deals with the Mafia".

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