
Tight security at Fiumicino for Trump

Snipers posted

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, May 23 - Tight security was enforced Tuesday at Rome's Fiumicino Aiport ahead of the arrival of US President Donald Trump.
    The cargo area, where Air Force One will touch down in the late afternoon, and all the roads where the presidential motorcade will travel along, have undergone security checks for days.
    Airport police are on patrol and Carabinieri and Guardie di Finanza are sweeping the airport perimeter, sources at the airport said.
    Snipers have been positioned on top of the airport buildings where the cargo sector is situated, while patrols with anti-terror sniffer dogs are sweeping the ground.
    Frontier police, bomb teams and US security officers are subjecting the accredited media to meticulous checks and searches.
    Trump is set to touch down about 18:30 on a flight from Israel.

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