
Bossi 'won't leave' League - Maroni

Says party founder equates politics with League

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, May 15 - Lombardy Governor and rightwing populist Northern League party member Roberto Maroni on Monday said he's convinced that League founder Umberto Bossi won't leave the party.
    "I don't see how he could leave the movement that he founded together with others, myself included," Maroni said.
    "For me politics means the League, and I'm convinced it's the same for Bossi," he said.
    Bossi recently threatened to leave if Matteo Salvini was re-elected to lead the party.
    Salvini won in an election held Sunday, and on Monday said Bossi was free to leave if he chose to.
    Bossi disagrees with Salvini's drive to go national and his plan to change the name of the anti-immigrant, anti-euro party to Italy League.

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