
Deal for Rome declaration, 27 to sign (2)

Compromise acceptable to Eastern States skeptical of multi-speed

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Brussels, March 21 - Negotiations to agree on a text for the final declaration of Saturday's summit in the Italian capital to mark the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome have ended successfully, sources said Tuesday. A compromise has been struck to bring on board the Eastern European countries of the Visegrad Group who are skeptical about the prospect of a multi-speed European Union. Now it will be possible for all of the 27 countries of the EU, Britain excluded, to sign the declaration, the sources said. Ex-premier Matteo Renzi said this weekend's ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome should help relaunch the European Union. "The Rome ceremony comes at a particularly important time and it will be an occasion to insist on our battles," Renzi said in his e-news newsletter. "From research, innovation and knowledge to (budget) flexibility and investment. From immigration to democracy. Yes, democracy. I think that one of the greatest challenges we have is to transfer more European power from bureaucracy to democracy".

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