
Sensitivity to disabled - Mattarella (2)

Writes back to two Sicilian tetraplegic brothers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 13 - Italy's institutions must be "sensitive" to the needs of the disabled, President Sergio Mattarella wrote back Monday to two tetraplegic Sicilian brothers, Alessio and Gianluca Pellegrino, who had written to him asking for help. "You have raised a need that is not just yours but of a general nature," Mattarella replied to the brothers, who fronted a video of severely disabled Sicilians.
    The brothers recently forced the resignation of Sicilian regional family affairs chief Gianluca Micciché after he failed to receive them despite them waiting a whole day outside his office, while being filmed by the satirical TV exposé show Le Iene (Reservoir Dogs).

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