
Romeo 'wasn't corruptor' - defence (2)

Campania businessman filed complaint says lawyer

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 6 - One of Alfredo Romeo's lawyers said Monday that, rather than being at the centre of alleged graft involving CONSIP, the Campania businessman was actually hard-done-to in contracts for civil-service procurement agency. "Alfredo Romeo was not privileged with CONSIP, he was marginalised," said lawyer Giovanni Battista Vignola.
    "Forget about him being a corruptor. He was cheated many times.
    "In April Alfredo Romeo presented a complaint to CONSIP in which his relations and the mechanism via which the tenders were awarded were described. He was damaged by it".
    Battista Vignola said that Italy's anti-trust and anti-corruption agencies were informed of this complain when it was filed.
    He said it was forward to Naples prosecutors three months ago and to Rome investigators three weeks ago.

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