
Gentiloni pledges 3.9 bn for outskirts (2)

500 mn right away for 24 projects

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 6 - Premier Paolo Gentiloni on Monday presented a plan to invest 3.9 billion euros in deprived areas on the outskirts of Italian cities, including 500 million euros right away. "Today a 500-million-euro commitment was made for the best 24 projects in the periphery areas," Gentiloni told a press conference.
    "The commitment regards 120 interventions in total, so 95 more than those for today. The money is there.
    "The CIPE (Interministerial Economic Planning Committee) has set aside another 800 million of the 1.6 billion needed and the other 800 million are part of the fund for infrastructure.
    "In addition to the 2.1 billion, public and private funding will be added for a total of 3.9 billion".

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