
Tiziano Renzi questioned in Rome (2)

Ex-premier's father probed for infleunce peddling

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 3 - Tiziano Renzi, the father of ex-premier Matteo Renzi, was questioned in Rome by investigators on Friday in relation to a probe into alleged corruption at civil-service procurement agency CONSIP. Tiziano Renzi, who is under investigation for alleged influence peddling in the probe, denies any wrongdoing. L'Espresso magazine says in its issue to be published Sunday that CONSIP CEO Luigi Marroni told prosecutors that Renzi senior and former Berlusconi aide Denis Verdini - sentenced to nine years over a separate Florentine bank bankruptcy Thursday - "exerted pressure" on him over the commissioners for some tender competitions. Alfredo Romeo, a high-profile Campanian businessman, was arrested in the CONSIP probe this week and Sports Minister Luca Lotti is under investigation too.
    The case has rocked the ruling Democratic Party (PD) ahead of primaries next month in which Matteo Renzi is standing to be re-elected head of the centre-left group.
    The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) has said that will table no-confidence motions against Lotti in the House and Senate. Lotti was Matteo Renzi's cabinet secretary in the last government and was widely considered to be the ex-premier's right-hand man.

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