
Fedeli is highest earner in govt (2)

Premier Gentiloni declared earnings of 109,607 euros

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 3 - Education Minister Valeria Fedelio is the highest earner in Premier Paolo Gentiloni's cabinet, according to 2016 tax returns released Friday. The minister declared taxable income of 180,921 euros. Second place went to Culture Minister Dario Franceschini, who earned 148,692 euros. The lowest earner in the government was Agriculture Minister Maurizio Martina, who declared taxable income of 46,750 euros. Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan was second-last with declared income of 49,958 euros. Gentiloni earned 109,607 euros.
    The former foreign minister took over the helm of government in December when ex-premier Matteo Renzi quit after his Constitutional reform was rejected in a referendum.
    Renzi declared earnings of 103,283 euros, almost 5,000 euros down on the 107.960 he declared for the previous year.
    In 2016 5-Star Movement leader Beppe Grillo declared earnings of 71,957 euros. This is down from the 355,247 euros he declared the previous year.

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