
Reconstruction 'long and complex'-Marini

No delay in new houses for quake-hit

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, march 2 - The reconstruction after last year's earthquakes in central Italy will be "long and complex," Umbria Governor Catiuscia Marini told an ANSA forum Thursday.
    Saying that there would be "no delay" in delivering new prefabricated wooden housing for the quake-hit, Marini recalled that many small towns and villages had been "destroyed" and Norcia, for example, had 75% of its buildings damaged.
    Some 100 houses would be delivered by the end of March, Marini said.
    Different procedures are needed for the emergency, she said, stressing that an "alliance" was needed to help tourism recover after part of the tourist season had been "compromised".

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