
PD says taking action on anomalies (2)

Orlando says he saw problem coming

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, march 1 - Democratic Party (PD) President Matteo Orfini said Wednesday that the centre-left group was taking action over reports of irregularities in the registration of new members, ahead of an upcoming party congress. "Yesterday evening the deadline for PD membership closed," Orfini said on his Facebook page. "Unfortunately, cases of not very transparent management have been reported - fortunately they are isolated". A party official has decided that new applications from the Miano PD section in Naples will not be approved, sources said.
    Justice Minister Andrea Orlando, one of the candidates to be the next leader of the ruling PD, said he was not surprised. "I had highlighted the risk that a precarious organizational situation could produce this sort of effects and they are being produced," he said. "I fear this risk could materialise elsewhere too. I welcome the fact that action was taken quickly and I hope things continue in this way. "I thrust those today called on to manage this delicate phase".

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