
Living-will bill in House March 13 (3)

Issue highlighted by visits to Swiss Dignitas Clinic

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 1 - A bill on living wills will hit the floor of the Lower House on March 13, House whips decided Wednesday.
    Parliament's long failure to legislate on end-of-life issues was highlighted this week by the assisted suicides in Switzerland of a 40-year-old former DJ left blind and tetraplegic by a 2014 car crash and of a cancer-suffering pensioner from Veneto.
    Right-to-die activist Marco Cappato is under investigation in Milan for aiding the suicide on Monday of DJ Fabo, sources said Wednesday. The investigation was opened after former MEP Cappato reported himself to Carabinieri police on Tuesday.
    The Radical Party member, who risks up to 12 years in jail, has said he hopes to face a trial as he bids to "get the State to assume its responsibilities".
    Cappato has said his association is helping "at least" two other Italians who are planning to die in the Dignitas Clinic in Zurich.
    A bill on end-of-life issues has been bogged down in the Lower House.

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