
Renzi says looking to future

Ex-premier's Democratic Party has split, left-wingers leave

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, February 22 - Ex-premier Matteo Renzi said Wednesday that he was concentrating on preparing for the future after a left-wing minority within his Democratic Party (PD) broke away due to differences with him.
    Former PD leader Pier Luigi Bersani and his allies said Tuesday that they were quitting the PD after Renzi refused to make a series of concessions to them and moved ahead with triggering a congress where he aims to be re-elected as party chief with a renewed mandate.
    "While the Italian political class rows about everything, or almost, after the (December Constitutional) referendum, the world outside continues to run," Renzi, who is on a fact-finding trip to the United States about growth and job creation, wrote on his blog.
    "I decided to get away for a few hours while the PD writes the rules for the congress and devote myself to some quality encounters in California.
    "Sooner or later, the future will come back. "So let's make sure we are ready: instead of arguing about nothing, let's try to learn from those who are constructing tomorrow before the others". Renzi resigned as premier in December after almost three years in office following the rejection of his flagship Constitutional reform in a referendum. Several prominent members of the left-wing PD minority campaigned for a No vote in the referendum. Renzi's place was taken by former foreign minister Gentiloni, also a PD member.

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