
Raggi blasted for taxi-driver support

Consumer group says mayor declared 'war' on citizens

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, February 21 - Rome Mayor Virginia Raggi came under fire on Tuesday for expressing support for taxi drivers on the sixth day of protests and a wildcat strike.
    "The mayor of Rome has declared war on the citizens, taking sides with the taxi drivers," read a statement by consumers association Codacons, calling on Rome prosecutors to open an investigation.
    "She seems to endorse the illegal strike conducted for six days by the drivers.
    "Virginia Raggi's conduct is abnormal. "It is absurd that a mayor should defend those who have been creating immense disruption to users for days, effectively supporting an illegal strike". Premier Paolo Gentiloni's Democratic Party (PD) also blasted the mayor, a member of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S). "Raggi should be a mayor, not a striker. Her job is to resolve problems, not to protest in the street," said PD Senator Stefano Pedica.

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