
Renzi says doesn't want PD split (2)

Eventual division should be over political positions -ex-premier

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, February 13 - Democratic Party (PD) leader Matteo Renzi said Monday that he did not want the centre-left group to split, while suggesting he was being blackmailed over the date of a party congress. "I don't want splits. But if there has to be one, it should be over ideas, without alibis, and not about the calendar," he told a PD meeting. "I have a high idea of the congress and an even higher one of splits - let's talk about political positions and then we can split. "I'd never have contemplated a debate about the calender - either you have a congress before the election or there's a split.
    "It's a sort of moral blackmail and I'm allergic to blackmail".

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