
PD OKs 'congress now' motion

Renzi says quick congress, then elections, no split

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, February 13 - The Democratic Party (PD) on Monday voted to hold an assembly this weekend to call a congress as soon as possible ahead of early elections.
    Leader and ex-premier Matteo Renzi effectively announced his resignation by telling the meeting it was the end of his "cycle" at the head of the centre-left group.
    Renzi again called for a quick party congress before a general election and said he hoped the PD could avert a split on this - but former leader and minority chief Pier Luigi Bersani rejected his call, saying Premier Paolo Gentiloni's government should be allowed to serve until the end of the legislature's natural term in February 2018.
    In the event, the PD meeting voted for a majority motion convening an assembly Saturday or Sunday to call an "immediate" congress.
    Wishing his touted rivals in primaries luck, Renzi told a specially widened session of the PD directorate "a cycle is ending at the head of the PD", effectively announcing his resignation. "I took a PD that had 25% and in the one political consultation we took it to 40.8%," he said, referring to the 2014 European elections.
    Renzi said he did not want the party to split, while suggesting he was being blackmailed over the date of a party congress. "I don't want splits. But if there has to be one, it should be over ideas, without alibis, and not about the calendar," he told a PD meeting. "I have a high idea of the congress and an even higher one of splits - let's talk about political positions and then we can split. "I'd never have contemplated a debate about the calendar - either you have a congress before the election or there's a split".
    Renzi told the PD "I think it is good sense on the part of those who are responsible for leading a community to accept the invitation to hold the congress before the elections. "I don't want splits and if I wanted them I'd like them on the basis of a discussion; if there has to be a split, and I hope not, that it should be without alibis, not with the alibi of the calendar".
    Renzi told the meeting that "we can no longer fool our people, you can fool me but not our people". He said the PD should hold a congress "in the full respect for our statute, with the same rules as last time (in 2013). So that there is no discussion starting tomorrow on the rules. Let politics return".
    Renzi told the PD "the vote and the congress are two separate concepts and I add that I'm no longer premier, I've never been interior minister, nor am I president of the Republic. "I don't decide when to vote...there are positive elements to voting earlier and also for voting later, it's a debate for those with institutional responsibilities. "But let it be clear to all that you don't hold a congress to decide the day of the vote".
    Renzi said he had had "enough" of "showdowns" within the party. "If you Google 'PD showdown' shocking data come out...basta, let's all calm down" Renzi said.
    "Let's avoid the personalisation of the referendum aftermath", he said, referring to a December vote against his flagship Constitutional reform, which spurred his resignation as premier.
    The PD leader said he would travel around scouring Italy for talent that could bring fresh ideas to a congress.
    He said "I prefer the open sea of the challenge to the swamp.
    "Let's hold the congress and those who lose, the next day should give a hand, don't run off with the ball, don't leave on their own whoever wins the primaries." Renzi said he wished luck to the rivals who may challenge him for the leadership of the centre-left group, adding there should be greater reciprocal respect. "I wish good luck to those who run, from (another minority leader, Roberto) Speranza, to (Tuscan Governor Enrico) Rossi and (Puglia Governor Michele) Emiliano," he told the PD.
    "If they win I'll be the first in line to support them. "But I ask for more respect, not for me, but for our members".
    Renzi spoke after former leader Bersani said he was against the idea of holding a new PD congress in the very near future. When asked if he thought this call for a so-called "lightning congress" was set to be Renzi's 'umpteenth' mistake, Bersani replied "I fear yes".
    After Renzi spoke, Bersani said Bersani said the PD should "ensure" that the Gentiloni government runs its course until the natural end of the legislative term in February 2018. "Let's guarantee in front of Europe, the markets, the Italians, the natural end," he said, saying "we command" and "the first thing we must say is when we'll vote". The minority leader said "we can't talk like the Sibyl, leave the sword of Damocles (hanging) over the government, expecting (Gentiloni) to resign in streaming..." Bersani reiterated he was against leader Renzi's call for a quick congress, saying it had to be prepared for properly in specially organised "places of discussion".
    Emiliano, after unveiling his candidacy, said calling a congress in April would risk causing a split.
    Renzi wound up the meeting by saying "after two months in which every time proposals were made the day after we were told to change position, I think a full stop must be written. "Not I but the sovereign assembly...will be held as soon as possible and it has the statutory sovereignty to decide the time and ways of the congress". Renzi said the assembly should take place next weekend, "either Saturday or Sunday", when "we will arrive with a manifesto, with precise ideas, but the construction of the programme must come from the bottom up."

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