
Renzi 'imposes split without congress' (3)

'Another ticket if Renzi moves without new election law'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, January 30 - Former premier Massimo D'Alema, leader of a Democratic Party (PD) minority that often opposes PD leader and former premier Matteo Renzi said Monday that without a congress "it will be Renzi who will split off, who will impose a break". He said "we want a congress because the PD is a great party that has had repeated political defeats". He said that a part of the PD would split off, "perhaps not a majority". The party has already lost 3-5 million voters, he said. "I hope that there is no split," D'Alema said, but added that "if a new party is formed on the left it will certainly get over 10% of the vote. I say so because I have had surveys done".
    Former Communist D'Alema said that, if Renzi tried to "get the (Paolo) Gentiloni government dissolved and vote without a new electoral law, there would immediately be a new ticket" in the fray.

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