
Relaunch Europe with growth - Gentiloni (2)

EU celebrations in Rome open new page - French president

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, January 10 - Premier Paolo Gentiloni said after talks with French President Francois Hollande Tuesday that "France and Italy are committed to relaunching the EU in one of the most difficult moments after Brexit". He said the priorities were "growth and jobs". "There is no future for a Europe concentrated on the budget and not on jobs," he said.
    Hollande said that the March celebrations in the Italian capital for the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome will kick off a new period for the European Union. "With the Rome ceremony for the 60th anniversary of the treaties we can celebrate a page of history or create a new part of this history," Hollande said after talks with Gentiloni in Paris. "We want to open a new page for the future of Europe".

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