
No vote wd impact 'day after'

No 'will preserve caste for 20 years'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, December 1 - A No vote in Sunday's Constitutional reform referendum would have an impact "not only the day after but above all on future generations," Premier Matteo Renzi told Skytg24 Thursday, reiterating that "with a No, we'll keep the caste for another 20 years". "Ours is a country that has an obstacle-course system. You have the State and the Regions bickering, the House and Senate both doing the same thing. On Sunday if the Yes wins the Italian anomaly can end.
    "If you vote No you'll have to keep the same people, if you're happy with that, everyone's happy".
    Renzi also repeated that it had been a mistake to personalise the vote and the referendum was not about him but about the "merits" of the reform, which turns the Senate into a leaner, regionally based assembly with fewer lawmaking powers to make passing legislation cheaper and faster.
    He said he had stopped personalising the vote while accusing his opponents of making it all about his resignation and shunning the referendum arguments.
    The premier added that German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier wanted a Yes vote because they don't want to see an Italian government crisis.
    Market turmoil is expected if Renzi quits and the Financial Times has warned eight Italian banks could fail.

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