
Institutions simpler with Yes-De Vincent

Cabinet Secretary takes part in ANSA Forum

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, December 1 - Cabinet Secretary Claudio De Vincenti told an ANSA Forum on Thursday that Italy's political machinery will be simpler and work faster if the Yes vote wins Sunday's Constitutional referendum.
    "If Yes wins, we'll have a country with simpler, more transparent institutions with more responsibility to the citizens - clear responsibilities with a clear distinction between the tasks of the State and the regions," he said.
    "Furthermore, there will be certainty about the time frames of laws in the Lower House.
    "I think it's the only way to make the institutions more coherent with the first part of the Constitution, with lighter institutions that simplify citizens' lives".
    Among other things, the Constitutional reform transforms the Senate into a leaner body of regional representatives with limited powers to save money and make passing legislation easier.

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