
Quake: Cabinet names Errani commissioner (2)

'Right man for the job' says Renzi

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, September 1 - Cabinet on Thursday named Vasco Errani special government commissioner for reconstruction in central Italy, where a 6.2-magnitude quake razed entire villages across four regions last week. Errani reports directly to Premier Matteo Renzi and will coordinate between central government, regional governors, and mayors in conjunction with the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) to allocate the funds to rebuild public and private buildings and infrastructure.
    Errani has the right experience for the job because he was commissioner in charge of reconstruction after a May 2012 earthquake in the Emilia Romagna region while he was its governor, the premier's office said in statement. "This was not an easy task, and he carried it out in a sensible...and highly proper fashion," the statement said.
    "Errani did his job very well," Premier Matteo Renzi told RTL private FM radio.
    "The idea is to rebuild as it was, where it was".
    The center-left premier - who yesterday obtained German Chancellor Angela Merkel's assurance the EU would see its way to helping Italy rebuild after the devastating quake that killed 293 people and brought a swathe of central Italian communities and businesses to their knees - added that "the money (for reconstruction) is there, and if it runs out we'll get more by utilizing all available EU flexibility clauses".
    "I'm not worried about that," Renzi said.
    "The key point is to track (the reconstruction funds) cent by cent" to make sure central Italy is rebuilt without corruption and criminal infiltration, the premier said.

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