
Renzi slams new centrist force

Premier talks corruption, asylum seekers, and the economy

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 28 - Premier Matteo Renzi said Thursday he does not want to see the rise of a new centrist group to combat rightwing populism. "I believe in the two-block system. That's why I believe in the Democratic Party (PD)," Renzi said in a #Matteorisponde question-and-answer session via his Twitter account.
    He added his government was ready to stiffen the laws against corruption after a long series of graft scandals, some of which have hit members of his PD. "We are ready (to pass tougher rules)," Renzi said. "We are not scared... We have already passed tough rules but we are always ready to do more". He added that, while graft cases irked him, it was not possible to write off the whole political class as corrupt.
    However while some are "loafing", his administration is determined to kick-start the national economy. "We are unblock everything that can be unblocked and to give the country a sign that things are on the move again," he said. "Sometimes, it's true, some are tempted to loaf around. But we are moving forward...we want to give Italy the enthusiasm it deserves. I am fed up with those who talk the talk but when the time comes, they pull back in fear".
    He also blasted the idea of closing borders to shut out asylum seekers. "We are trying to recover the country's credibility (...) while we broaden horizons with broadband, others build walls and close borders - something that is out of check with the times and totally disconnected from any form of reality," he said.
    Italy's economic development depends on expanding its broadband network according to government plans, the premier said. "We are staking part of the country's development (on broadband) - we mustn't just invest in traditional infrastructure but also in overcoming the digital divide," Renzi said.

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