
No changes to pensions says Poletti

INPS sends 150,000 retirement projections to as many taxpayers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 25 - Labor Minister Giuliano Poletti said Tuesday the government will not cut pensions in its anti-poverty bill, including those payable to widows and widowers of deceased retirees.
    "The government has made a specific amendment to the bill containing measures to combat poverty," Poletti said. The minister's remarks came as 150,000 randomly chosen taxpayers are set to receive so-called orange envelopes containing projections of when they can retire and what their pensions might look like, sent by INPS national pensions and social security agency.
    The envelopes are being sent throughout the country to taxpayers with a range of ages and professions. They contain a history of pension contributions made, a forecast of retirement age, the amount of the pension check and its relationship to wages.
    The objective is to increase taxpayer awareness of where they will stand when they retire.
    Leaders from the big three trade union federations slammed the orange envelopes as an exercise in futility, saying the government should focus on reforming the system instead.
    "The situation won't stay the way it is now," said UIL chief Carmelo Barbagallo. "Governments will always try to make it worse, we must fight to make it better".
    "The real issue is how we will reform the pensions law," said CISL leader Annamaria Furlan. "Then people's lives will change, and for the better".
    "We need to design a new social security system because as things stand, pensions are a utopia for young people," said CGIL chief Susanna Camusso.

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