
Graziano suspends self from PD (2)

And as regional councilmember

Redazione Ansa

(supersedes previous)(ANSA) - Rome, April 26 - Stefano Graziano on Tuesday suspended himself as the Campania regional chief of Premier Matteo Renzi's Democratic Party (PD) and from the regional council, of which he is an elected member.
    The politician is under investigation for alleged links to the Camorra mafia.
    "While expressing maximum confidence in the work of the judiciary, it is with great pain that I communicate my self-supension from the Democratic Party as I await the chance to clarify my position beyond every possible doubt," Graziano said in a statement.
    He denied any mafia involvement and asked to be interrogated by an investigating magistrate as soon as possible.
    Carabinieri police earlier searched Graziano's homes and office in Rome and in the town of Teverola, near Caserta as part of a probe that led to nine arrests on Tuesday, including that of restaurateur and businessman Alessandro Zagaria.
    Investigators are scrutinizing Zagaria's alleged backing of Graziano's electoral campaign.
    The deputy secretary of the PD said the party wants the case solved as soon as possible.
    "We hope light will be shed as soon as possible (and) the position of whoever is involved be made clear," said Lorenzo Guerini. "Meanwhile, we have total and unconditional trust in the judiciary's work".
    " "Ho sempre agito, nel corso della mia carriera politica - aggiunge Graziano - nel pieno rispetto dei principi di trasparenza e legalità, per me imprescindibili regole di vita.
    Pertanto - rende noto Graziano - ho conferito mandato al mio legale di attivarsi presso la Procura napoletana perché al più presto venga fissato un interrogatorio nel corso del quale potrò fornire ogni spiegazione sui fatti che l'Autorità giudiziaria riterrà di dover approfondire, confermando la mia totale estraneità a qualsiasi vicenda illecita".

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