
UN 'vision not division' on climate

Italy protagonist of historic accord

Redazione Ansa

(supersedes previous).
    (ANSA) - New York, April 21 - The UN is showing vision rather than division on climate change, Premier Matteo Renzi told the General Assembly Friday on the occasion of the signing of the COP 21 Paris agreement to combat the threat posed by climate change.
    "For the first time in many years this very prestigious hall, often full of divisions, is finally a place of visions and not divisions, it finally gives a message of responsibility for our children, our grandchildren and finally a message of opening," Renzi told the UN. He said it was a "great day because finally the international community is giving a message for the future". On Thursday Renzi said it was aiming to take the share of its energy generated by renewable sources from 39% to over 50%.
    Italy's new push in renewable energy will regard wind and water power more than solar energy, an area where the country is already a leader, Renzi said after a failed referendum on offshore drilling.
    On Friday Renzi told the UN General Assembly that "we are very proud as Italians for the results we have obtained and the ones we will obtain".
    He said climate change and the environment will be key parts of Italy's future domestic and foreign policies.
    "(The environment) is a priority for our government initiative at a national level but it will also be a priority for the G7 presidency we will assume next year and for our commitment in Europe," he said.
    "We will continue to work together in the next few months to implement the Paris accord. Renzi said "it is a great pleasure to be with you here and we can discuss individual points, on renewable energy, the transport system, and the energy efficiency of homes. But the real challenge is to shut one's eyes a second and imagine our children and grandchildren. The important thing is the political message: politics is capable of giving hope to future generations".
    He then tweeted "Italy will be a protagonist of this historic accord, for our children and grandchildren."

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