
Mattarella sounds alarm on women's health gap

President calls for increasingly personalised medicine

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 22 - Italian President Sergio Mattarella launched an appeal on Friday for a gap between men and women in the health field to be overcome. "Even though women live longer than men, they spend fewer years in good health," Mattarella said in his message for national women's health day. "This means that, despite the efforts made at the national and international level to improve the therapeutic approach and the incidence of risk factors, there is still a deep divide to bridge". The head of State also called for more personalization of medical care. "Health is a fundamental right of every person and it must be guaranteed via appropriate treatments that are accessible to everyone," he said. "Medical developments must be orientated towards increasing personalization of treatments. We aren't all the same but we have the same right to be treated in the best way".

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