
Italy to keep demanding truth on Regeni insists Gentiloni

Egypt denies report Italian researcher was stopped by police

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, April 22 - Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said Friday that Italy would continue to "demand the truth" from Egypt about the torture and murder in Cairo earlier this year of Italian researcher Giulio Regeni. Italy has complained of a lack of cooperation from Cairo in getting to the bottom of the case. On Thursday Egyptian government sources denied media reports that Regeni had been stopped by police and handed over to the Egyptian security services, according to the website of the Egyptian daily Youm7.
    Regeni, a 28-year-old Cambridge doctoral student working on Egyptian trade unions, disappeared on January 25, the heavily policed fifth anniversary of the uprising that toppled former strongman Hosni Mubarak, and his mutilated body was found in a ditch on the road to Alexandria on February 3.
    Italy recently recalled its ambassador to Egypt for consultations after the investigation into Regeni's death stalled, with Egypt proffering unlikely versions of his death that included a car crash, a gay lovers' quarrel, and a kidnapping for ransom gone wrong. "Aside from the evaluations of this news report, which it is not the government's job to do, it is clear anyway that the we confirm the very clear position that we have taken in recent weeks," Gentiloni said at the fringes of a conference when asked about the report Regeni had been detained by the Egyptian authorities.
    "If someone thinks that we will stop demanding the truth on the Regeni murder with the passing of time, they are wrong".

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