
50 jurists against government reforms

Say reforms weaken Senate, regional governments

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 22 - Fifty Italian jurists signed a document on Friday against the government's constitutional reforms, calling them "a potential source of new dysfunctions" and said that the reforms weaken the Senate and regional governments.
    The constitutional reforms to make government cheaper and easier will be put to a popular referendum vote in October, one on which Italian Premier Matteo Renzi has staked his political future.
    Among those who signed the document against the reforms were former Constitutional Court president Valerio Onida and former Constitutional Court vice president Enzo Cheli.
    The document called the reformed Senate "extremely weakened" and said it risks "uncertainties and conflicts" due to a "plurality of different legislative procedures".
    It said the reforms also "strongly weakened" regional governments, taking away "almost every space of legislative competence".
    The document said the reform won't obtain cost cuts by cutting the "number of people invested with a public office".
    The signatories said the reforms have "positive aspects" but "not enough to compensate for the critical aspects".

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