
Renzi denies govt sold out to oil lobby

'We are shutting down coal plants'

Redazione Ansa

(fixes slug)(ANSA) - Rome, April 19 - Premier Matteo Renzi on Tuesday rejected accusations his administration sold out to oil industry lobbies. "We believe coal-powered plants need to go," he told the Senate in reply to two no-confidence motions from center-right parties over an oil industry probe. "We shut two of them down, we announced a third is being shut down, and we put a stop to two more that were switching from oil to coal - this administration has blocked five power plants without losing a single job". The center-left premier also denied accusations his government is against clean energy. "We (Italy) is a leader in the renewable energy sector and we will be able to continue being the leaders on the path to our 2020-2030 targets," Renzi said.

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