
Renzi 'accepts challenge on morality'

Premier replies to Senate no-confidence motions

Redazione Ansa

(supersedes previous)(ANSA) - Rome, April 19 - Premier Matteo Renzi told the Senate Tuesday "I accept the challenge on morality in politics - always a slippery subject". The premier was replying to the first of two no-confidence motions against his government in the wake of a probe into oil-industry graft and corruption, lodged by the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S), Silvio Berlusconi's center-right Forza Italia (FI) party and the rightwing Northern League.
    The center-left premier told lawmakers his administration has "undeniably" enacted the reforms it said it would carry out.
    "One can legitimately disagree with the measures but it is impossible to deny that the issues at the heart of our program have been successfully faced by government and parliament," he said. "I'm referring to constitutional reform, the electoral law and tax measures".
    The center-right opposition filed the no-confidence motions in the wake of a probe into alleged misconduct at oil and gas giant ENI plants in the southern Basilicata region.
    The oil-industry businessman boyfriend of former industry minister Federica Guidi - who resigned earlier this month - is one of the suspects in the investigation, which has led to both Guidi and Reform Minister Maria Elena Boschi being questioned by prosecutors.

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