
Italy migrant proposals 'welcomed'

Boldrini hopes for 'timely, coordinated response'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Luxembourg, April 18 - A summit of EU foreign ministers "welcomed" Italy's migration proposal, EU Foreign Affairs High Representative Federica Mogherini said Monday.
    "Many elements (of the proposal) support work we are already doing," she said. "We think it is a positive political contribution to keep the focus on the work that needs to be done and to increase institutions and member States' joint commitment". "It was stressed that right now it is essential to keep our efforts focused on (asylum seeker) resettlements and relocations".
    Lower House Speaker Laura Boldrini added she hopes the EU will respond "in a timely and coordinated manner" in the wake of "the umpteenth tragedy" after the Somali information ministry said some 200 migrants died in the Mediterranean in a shipwreck reported by the BBC this morning.
    "Too little has been done so far to take on the root of the problem with interventions on the causes of forced migrations in the countries of origin," Boldrini said.
    She went on to call for the opening of legal channels for people fleeing wars and persecution and a "true European common asylum system" based on solidarity, shared burdens, and the protection of fundamental human rights.

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