
Decree for near retirees to go part time

Measure aimed at private sector workers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 13 - Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti on Wednesday signed a decree to make it easier for people close to retirement to go part time at the end of their careers, ANSA sources said. The decree, which regulates a measure introduced in the 2016 budget law, is for private sector workers on full-time permanent contracts who have at least 20 years of pension contributions and the requisites to retire before the end of 2018. Those workers will be able to cut a deal with their employees for a reduction in their hours of between 40% and 60%.
    In their pay packet they will receive, on top of the money for the hours they work, a sum that is equivalent to the social contributions that the employer would have paid for the hours that they no longer work.
    Furthermore, the State will also give the worker a contribution for the hours they no longer do so that their pay matches what they would get if they were fully retired.

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