
M5S's Casaleggio is dead

News confirmed by M5S sources

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, Aporil 12 - Gianroberto Casaleggio, the co-founder of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S), has died in Milan, ANSA sources said on Tuesday. The news was confirmed by M5S sources, medical sources and sources from the Casaleggio Associati srl company. He was in hospital at an Istituto Scientifico Auxologico clinic and had had health problems for some time. In April 2014 Casaleggio underwent urgent surgery for a brain edema at Milan's Policlinico hospital. Last week Casaleggio dismissed rumors he might step down due to health problems, calling the the author of a post reporting this "a jackal" on M5S leader and fellow founder Beppe Grillo's blog.
    Casaleggio Associati srl is an Internet and publishing company that advises on network strategies, and Casaleggio was sometimes called the "guru" of the movement that has become Italy's second political group after the center-left Democratic Party (PD) of Premier Matteo Renzi.

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