
Alfano on common Italy-U.S. anti-terror (2)

Entails data, intelligence sharing

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Washington DC, April 12 - Interior Minister Angelino Alfano said Tuesday he is working on a common anti-terrorism platform with the United States. This would entail sharing intelligence and biometric data in the fight against Islamist terrorism and cybercrime, he said in the US capital where he met with Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and US Attorney General Loretta Lynch. "The collaboration with the US is excellent," he said.
    "We are of the idea that collaboration between the entire European Union and the US should be increased more and more".
    Alfano added Italy and the US are also working on a common data-sharing platform on migrants.
    "For example, digital fingerprinting has been 100% implemented in Italy," he said.

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