
Sicilian Governor defends armoured cars

M5S accused Crocetta of using employees liquidation payment

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Palermo, April 7 - Sicilian Governor Rosario Crocetta on Thursday defended the regional government's decision to spend over 250,000 euros on armour-plated cars for officials.
    The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) blasted the move and accused Crocetta of using a fund for employees liquidation payments to finance it.
    "We are buying two cars without any additional costs for optionals, because the model of the cars is standard," he said in a statement.
    "Each one costs 128,082 euros, including maintenance spending for nine years, for an overall total of 256,164 euros.
    "Given that the cars will be used for at least nine years, they will have an annual cost of 28,462 euros, which is 8% of what the region spent before."

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