
No-confidence motion in govt not filed

Oil probe hits Renzi executive

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 5 - Senate Speaker Pietro Grasso said Tuesday that opposition parties had not yet filed any no-confidence motions in the government following an oil probe that rocked Premier Matteo Renzi's executive. "They are yet to present it," Grasso said when asked about a motion that the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) has pledged to file.
    Prosecutors on Monday questioned Reforms and Relations with Parliament Minister Maria Elena Boschi over a government amendment on a southern Italian oil project that last week spurred industry minister Federica Guidi to resign.
    Judges have yet to set a date for questioning Guidi, who quit over a wiretapped phone call with her boyfriend, oil industry businessman Gianluca Gemelli, about a government amendment that allegedly benefited his business.
    Gemelli is being investigated for corruption conspiracy and falsely claiming influence over a public official in order to obtain bribes. Prosecutors on Tuesday started questioning a number of people arrested in three different branches of the probe.

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